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New Patients at Ancaster Cold Laser and Chiropractic Clinic

Preparing for Your First Appointment

You can download your intake paperwork to fill out in advance or do it when you get here. If you’ve been in a motor vehicle accident, please bring with you any relevant information, including the date and place of the accident, a police report, insurance information, a list of injuries, and any medical reports or imaging if you visited a hospital or clinic. For workers’ compensation, bring an injury report from your employer, the date of the injury, the name and phone number of your supervisor, and your work address.

Women in waiting room

What to Expect

You can park on the street or behind the library next door. When you walk in, we’ll greet you by name and make you feel right at home as we give you a tour of the office.

Dr. Sloat will talk to you about what brought you in to see us. If you’re a good candidate for chiropractic care, we’ll do a thorough examination to help us identify the cause of your problem. We can refer you to a nearby facility if you need X-rays.

We welcome questions and explain everything thoroughly so you understand your options. Most patients receive an adjustment at the end of this visit to get some relief from pain right away. We’ll send you home with easy-to-follow instructions for next steps.

After Care

It’s normal to feel a little sore or stiff afterwards. Contact Dr. Sloat‘s emergency number right away if you feel pain or discomfort.

For acute conditions, you can reduce any swelling or heat by applying an ice pack for five to eight minutes once an hour for the first day, then every two hours the next day. We’ll show you one or two gentle stretches.

We recommend moist heat, stretching, strengthening exercises, and posture changes to care for chronic injuries. Ice can also help with flare-ups.

Prioritize Your Health Today

We want to help you in every way possible. Schedule your visit now.


New Patients at Ancaster Cold Laser and Chiropractic Clinic | (905) 304-8687